
Welcome to the Tribune 2008 IHG website. We shake you warmly by the hand. This is the site of creativity and expression, where we, Tribune, invite you to write in to us and to continue the tale to be told. Have your say in the making of this story and be rewarded by seeing your work published in either our upcoming issues or in this very blog. Read further to find out more about how you can take part in this exciting Interhouse competition.


Tribune. We are said to be the dormant merit CCA of RGS which gives you those irregularly timed issues. But this year, all these have been changed and as you might have noticed, Tribune has already released one issue dealing with the idea of the Unspoken. Revamped and refreshed, we now bring to you this Interhouse game where you students, especially those who write fanfiction (don’t hide ya’ll, we know you’re there) are given an opportunity to express yourself. After that, we have another issue exploring the abstract concept of Growing Up, which we as teenagers can definitely relate to. And yet another issue is already in the works - the theme being Gifts and Giving, with content ranging from birthday presents to the students in GEP classes. Look out for it.

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